Study on the Application of Multimedia Teaching in Physical Chemistry 探讨多媒体手段在物理化学教学中应用
Appilcation of Modern Educational Technology on Physical Chemistry Experiment 现代教育技术在物理化学实验中的应用
Devising and Making of Fuel Cell Experiment for Physical Chemistry Experiment Teaching 物理化学实验教学中燃料电池实验的设计及制作
On Reform of Teaching Content and Method of Physical Chemistry 物理化学课程教学内容与方法改革的研究
We can divide physical chemistry into four main areas. 我们可将物理化学划分为四个主要领域。
Physical chemistry and instrumental analysis 物理化学与仪器分析
Emphasis on improvement of the ability for students in physical chemistry experiment teaching; 围绕素质教育的中心,进行了物理化学实验课教学改革。
Physical chemistry is Greek to me. 我对物理化学一窍不通。
I plan to take physical chemistry this term. 这学期我准备选学物理化学。
Physical chemistry experiment is one of the basic courses in Normal College. 物理化学实验是师范院校化学系的基础课程。
Application of PTA scale in physical chemistry classroom discussion evaluation PTA量表在物理化学课堂讨论评价中的应用
Discussion on the Practice and Reform of Phase Diagram Teaching of Physical Chemistry 《物理化学》相图教学的实践与改革
Design and Teaching Practice of Multimedia Courseware in "Physical Chemistry" Bilingual Education 《物理化学》双语教学多媒体课件的设计与教学实践
According to the theory of mechanics and physical chemistry, a quantitative study is conducted on the mechanism of primary migration of oil and gas. 根据力学和物理化学的有关理论,对油气初次运移问题进行了定量研究和分析。
We took up physical chemistry at college. 在大学我们选学了物理化学课。
This course provides an introduction to the physical chemistry of biological systems. 本课程提供了生物系统的物理化学入门。
Physical chemistry character of organic acid salt as accelerator in the situation of pulverized coal reburning have been analyzed, and found that CMA was a suitable accelerator. 本文对超细煤粉再燃情况下作为促进剂的有机酸盐的物理化学特性进行了分析,发现钙镁醋酸盐(CMA)是一种适用于再燃情况下的促进剂。
The influences of degree of polymerization of EO on physical chemistry properties of product were studied. 测定了产品的表面物理化学性能,系统研究了环氧乙烷(O)合度对产品表面物理化学性能的影响。
Chemistry in university is consist of Organic Chemistry, inorganic Chemistry and physical chemistry. 在大学中,化学分为有机,无机和物理化学三大类。
Application of Boltzmann distribution law in classical physical chemistry 玻耳兹曼分布定律在经典物理化学中的应用
Quantities and units of physical chemistry and molecular physics GB3102.8-1993物理化学和分子物理学的量和单位
Recently, he has been concerned with the physical chemistry of adhesion. 很快的,这一问题得到了物理化学理论方面的支持。
My son is studying physical chemistry but it's all Greek to me. 我儿子正研究物理化学,但我对此一窍不通。
Experiment teaching system reform exploring of Physical Chemistry Course for food specialized subjects 食品专业《物理化学》实验教学体系改革与探索
Development of General Adopting-Controlling System of Physical Chemistry Experiments 物理化学实验通用信号采集与控制系统研制
Teaching and experiment of physical chemistry can train scientific thought means of undergraduate and improve their ability on putting forward, analyzing and settling questions. 通过物理化学的教学和实验,能培养学生的科学思维方法及提出问题、分析问题和解决问题的能力;
Physical chemistry reaction in saline soils has some important effect on saline solute transport, and ion exchanges are the common chemical reactions observed in soil. 盐渍土壤中的物理化学作用对溶质运移具有重要影响。吸附和离子交换作用是土壤中常见的反应。
Reform and Practice in the Contents and Curriculum System of Physical Chemistry Experiment 物理化学实验课程体系和课程内容改革与实践
Basic Problems of Physical Chemistry about Synthesis Process for Au Colloid 金溶胶合成过程中的物理化学基本问题研究
Chemical Engineering, chemical thermodynamics and physical chemistry and other basic courses, and achieved excellent results. 化工原理,化工热力学和物理化学等基础课程,并取得优异的成绩。